Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More gym!!

P.E is used to help kids stay in shape. ,especially kids who don't play sports. Child obesity is dramatically rising. More and more children/teens are becoming obese because they don't try to stay in shape. Some high schools have kids going to gym everyday, others every other day. I think we should have gym everyday, if we don't it wont really help us keep up and motivate us to stay in shape more. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Should Seniors Be Exempt from Taking Finals/ Leaving School for Lunch

    During senior year in most schools if your class average is a 95 or above you don’t have to take a final for that class.  It is too much work especially when they have to worry about moving into their college dorm. Also they had already officially ended school.  I personally think that should be allowed for junior year too. During school lunches students should be allowed to leave school grounds to get lunch.

     Yes I do believe that seniors should be exempt from taking finals if they have a 95 or above. Senior year is your last year of high school; you are supposed to have fun, especially at the end of the year.  Seniors have to worry about packing up their room and moving into their college dorm. Also getting all of the supplies they need for their classes.    When you’re a junior you have to handle a job, homework and studying.  You also have to worry about applying to colleges.  Juniors should be allowed to get exempt from taking the finals.  They have to handle a lot and they shouldn’t have to worry about studying for finals at the end of the year, which just adds on more pressure.

      In the summer everyone wants to go outside and enjoy the nice weather, not be stuck inside school.  Students should be allowed to go out for lunch for about a half hour.  The front office should have a sign-out sheet so you can sign-out if you want to go get lunch somewhere else. When you come back (on time) you just have to sign back in.  If you aren’t on time more than two times you should get a detention. If you don’t show up after you sign out you should get a one day suspension.  Doing that would let students have more freedom, we would be excited to come to school and we wouldn’t have to be stuck in a stuffy school for 6 hours straight.

   Overall having seniors being exempt from finals and being able to leave the school for lunch sounds reasonable. Students aren’t asking for a lot, just a little more freedom.  It would make school more exciting and less stressful. High School students do a lot of work and we should get to do something like this.  Put yourself in our shoes, wouldn’t you fight for this if you were back in high school?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Government Secrets

 The government keeps a lot of secrets from the public for safety reasons. We now know that they keep our phone records and can hear our conversations. They are doing this to help find out about terrorist, we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen like 9/11 or the Boston marathon again So many people are saying it’s an invasion of privacy and they shouldn’t be allowed to do things like this.  I personally don’t care that they do this, it does seem weird that people you don’t know can hear your personal conversation with someone else, but as long as they can keep the US safe I’m all for it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MTV's Awkward

  MTV's show Awkward started out with a girl named Jenna who everyone thought tried to commit suicide. Jenna was in high school and everyone knows there is a lot of drama in high school. This show follows and goes through what Jenna went through. Personally i think this show is almost exactly like what high school is like and the awkward moments high schoolers go through, but of course they add more dramatic events in to make the show interesting.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boston Marathon

      Monday April 15th at 2:50 pm on Boylston Street in Boston Tamerlan Tsarnaev who is 26 years old and his younger brother Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev 18 years old set off 2 bombs at the finish line at the Boston marathon. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev was a student at Umass Dartmouth and was known as a good student. People who knew him said they would never suspect him to do something like that. After the bombing Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev went back to his school campus until Tuesday. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan went into hiding after Tuesday because they found out they were suspects.

      So many people were focused on Boston and they towns next to it, they didn’t pay attention to any other towns. April 18 there was a gun fight in Watertown between the two brothers and the Watertown police. A policeman was killed and another seriously hurt. Thankfully no other policemen were hurt. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed during that gun fight but Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev got away. After the whole town went into a lock down and was searched. Hundreds of policemen from different towns came to help.  Helicopters hovered above the town in search for Dzhokhar.

     They eventually had an idea that he was hiding in someone’s boat that was in their backyard. The police in the helicopters had a device that could show that he was in the boat due to the heat his body was giving off.  They knew he was alive because his body was still giving off heat which was good because they wanted to capture him alive to get information out of him. It took a while but they eventually got him out of the boat alive and took him to the hospital because he had many gun wounds. It didn’t take long for Boston to figure out who the suspects were and capture Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev. Which shows how strong Boston is and no one should ever mess with us.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stay At Home Mom

  So many parents don’t have the opportunity to be home for their kids because they have to work. Some kids have to wake themselves up, get their own breakfast, make their own lunch and come home to an empty house and do their homework without being able to ask for help. A lot of parents have to work to keep up with bills, gas money etc. I interviewed a stay at home mother Jeanine Bandecchi (my mother) from Norton MA to see what it was like o be a stay at home mother.
    What’s it like being a stay at home mom? “I love being a stay at home mom. It gives me the opportunity to really be involved in my kid’s lives.” What do you do all day? “I clean, cook, do laundry etc...” Do you ever get out of the house? “I always get out of the house to do errands and have the occasional lunch time with friends.” Have you ever been a working mom before? If so did you ever feel like you didn’t spend a lot of time with your kids? “I have been a working mom before and I was torn because I felt I wasn't giving enough time to my kids. It is tough to balance family life and work. I am happy I am able to put all my time and energy into my family and their needs. “If you can would you try and get a job?
 “My family always comes first, so if I did get a job it would have to be part time and not interfere with my time that I need to be home.”
    As you can see being a stay home mom has its benefits. Moms can clean around the house, start dinner, and help their kids in any way possible. They can be stay at home mothers because they don’t have to worry about money and bills as much as other families do.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Teen Moms

   The show “16 and Pregnant” on MTV shows the difficulties of what it’s like to be a teen mother. Young girls watching this show only see what’s good about being a teen mother. They think that if a teenage girl becomes pregnant she can be on this show and get paid. But MTV doesn’t show what happens behind the scenes. These girls are up with their babies all night, they struggle to make money to feed and clothe the baby and themselves, and they are still in high school so they have to do homework and study for exams. Personally I think some of the things that happen in this show are staged to exaggerate the drama so people are interested and keep watching.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Listening To Music in School

   I know a lot of people who love to listen to music while they are doing their school work because it helps them focus more. I also love listening to my favorite songs while I’m working because it helps me think more. But it also can get you off track, like of your tapping your foot or hands it could distract someone else in the class and get them off track.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is Summer Homework Beneficial?

I personally don’t think we should have summer homework. The whole point of having summer vacation is to take a break from school, not to get more work we have to worry about when we should be having fun. When I’m on summer break I sleep in, go to the beach and hangout with my friends every day. After talking to people in my class majority of them do all of their work at the last minute. I can understand teachers don’t want kids to stop working but we have the whole school year to work.  The good thing about having summer homework is it’s an easy A. When you’re in school it’s hard to keep with all of the work, but in the summer you have 3 months to finish everything.